Thursday, September 29, 2022

Conversations with Iran - 1


I met O in 2017 when I first visited Iran. He was a serious, introverted young man, studying art at university. We met in a biscuit shop. We liked each other and kept in touch. When I returned to Iran in 2019, we met up, ate out, visited museums, climbed a small mountain and walked and talked.

He is a quiet, decent young man, not given to hell raising, or street storming. He is hurting, inside and outside. Here is a transcript of our most recent conversation.

O: I completely fucked up.

My friend and I were walking in street there was a lot of police and motherfucker Basiji

We just walked whiteout any protest. There wasn't any population of people.

Suddenly they attacked to us, they started to hit us. I ran away and got a lot of hits but

I came back to home and waited for S but he didn't come back.

He was arrested!

I picked up his mother and brother and we came back to that place we lost him. His mother asking where is S? They didn't tell us

After a lot of begging and crying they tell his mother where he was. Arrested by Basiji. Not Police.

They take people arrested to a gym, that nobody can guess where they are!

We went there and his mother ask them but their behaviour is violent and brutal to us.

Me: Fuck.

O: This isn't the end of story. Me and my friend's mom and his brother, there waiting and S finally call us and tell I'm free and I'm in home! So we were happy.

But it wasn't long!

We were coming back by my motorcycle suddenly a van, car and a motorcycle of Basiji attacked to us. That was the worst happening of that day.

There were violent.

Bastard motherfucker basiji.

They attacked. They show gun. They yelling. For nothing.


That was worst experience!

They asked us, Why you are following us?!

How many people know you are here?

We said nobody. We just come back home.

Finally after a lot of panic, we came back.

This happened 4 days ago. And we don't access to Internet. They block the access

Now I'm using VPN for access whatsapp.

I don't know when can I send message you again.

Jon, that was an awful, extreme panic accident that happened

And I have hurt, psychological.

Me: fuck fuck fuck. Right now, O, I am crying for you S, his Mother, brother, and everybody's mother and brother and sister, and crying with anger and wish I was there to fight too. Even I am an old man I believe I have enough fight to fight cowards like those Basij.

Monday, August 29, 2022


What does woke mean, I asked?

It means, he said, anyone who takes something, a bit of pseudo-science say, and then exaggerates it, takes it way out there. Greta Thunberg, she is stereotypically woke.

Just to be sure, because I wasn’t, the word having blurred in my mind, not settling on one meaning or another, I went on an internet search: Is Greta Thunberg woke? What I found was a Woke Hall of Fame with the headline: Young People Making a Difference.

This page is dedicated to the many young people doing incredible things around the world to make a difference. Every month, we will update our ‘Hall of Fame’ with more amazing young change-makers, telling their story to inspire and motivate others to follow their dreams and also make a difference.

Dear oh dear, young people making a difference, what a farce.  As if they could, or can, being, as they are, young. Young are not supposed to make a difference. They are supposed to irritate, do drugs, argue, sleep most of the day, play computer games, but, at the same time, be polite, watch, listen, and wait until we older folk mess up everything outside their bedroom so bad they have nothing left to live for. Or with.

The Hall of Fame included many we have heard off, and some we may not have: Pakistan’s Malaia who campaigned against a Taliban ruling banning the education of young girls; Emma Gonzalez who lead a campaign against guns in the US after seventeen of her fellow students at her high school were murdered in a mass shooting; Payal Jangid who fights to end child marriages in India; Greta Thunberg, of course, the climate warrior; and Joshua Williams, who wanted from age four to end world hunger and has set up a program called Food Recovery and Distribution Program.

It is quite a list and ideally would cause some complacent, inactive heads to hang in shame and have them realise what a fine thing being woke is, and yet it is so often used to mock.

According to the on-line Oxford Dictionary it means “aware of social and political issues, especially racism”. Note “aware of”, not protest outside your front door, or burn down your chicken coop after setting the birds free. But it is now often used by people who think that some “are too easily upset about these issues, or talk too much about them in a way that does not change anything”. The woke list above is full of doers and the complainers, could we guess, often do nothing but complain? All right, maybe some of the non-listed woke also talk too much rather than supplementing the talk with the do.

What has happened is that instead of calling someone soft, or pathetic, or left-liberal, or a do-gooder, the disparagers now use woke as an insult. It is just another language shift and as gay once meant happy, it now usually means someone who has a sexual relationship with someone of the same sex.

It all started in 1962, according to more than one source, in Harlem, New York City. An African American novelist, William Kelley, wrote that “If you’re woke, you dig it.”

What he meant was if you are awake, if you have woken, then you understand.

Here’s another quote, this time from Garvey Lives!, a play by Barry Beckham: “I been sleeping all my life. And now that Mr Garvey done woke me up, I’m gon’ stay woke. And I’m gon’ help him wake up other black folk.”

Then in 2012, it was taken up by Black Lives Matter and the group used the hashtag #staywoke.

What could be so upsetting about young people who are awake to the issues that surround them?

What has become apparent is a growing hysteria from a range of commentators employed by on-line news channels, newspapers and probably free-to-air tv stations, about others they condemn as woke, those too concerned about climate change and the resulting decline in flora and fauna diversity, rising sea levels, dramatic weather patterns, including flooding, intense wildfires. Then there is poverty, inequality, racism, sexism and a wide range of issues it seems they think we should keep quiet about, move on from, away from, or ignore.

Does this rising hysteria reveal a deep anxiety, perhaps even guilt about personal complacency, ignorance about issues, a fear of issue they cannot understand, maybe a sensitivity to what they have claimed is wokeness?

Using their definition of woke, have the insulters become woke about woke?